  • Introduction
  • Authentication
  • Good To Know
  • Survey API
  • Element API
  • Element Types
  • Question Types
  • Collector API
  • Language API
  • Response API
  • Answer Types
  • Report API
  • Result Types
  • Webhooks API
  • Webhooks Endpoints
  • Webhooks Event Types
  • Global Webhooks
  • Errors
  • Feedback and Support

  • Introduction

    Main API endpoint

    The SurveyHero API is REST-based and can be accessed with the use of API keys. Responses will always be in JSON format. This documentation will guide you through authentication and present all different endpoints that can be consumed.


    Creating API keys

    Before you can start using the API, you will need to create a secret API key. To do this, please visit the "Developer API" section in your SurveyHero account.

    Your API key will provide you with a username and a password. These credentials are required to perform "Basic Authentication" and obtain access to your data via this API.

    Throughout this documentation we will show code examples containing username:password. Please always replace username and password with your actual credentials.

    Managing API keys

    You can create multiple API keys and name them individually. This allows you to use one key per service, e.g. one key for your WordPress plugin and one for your cronjob server. In case of a compromise of one of those services, you will be able to only deactivate or delete the affected key, without disrupting your remaining services.

    You can deactivate or delete an API key at any time in your account. API access to your data will be revoked immediately. The difference between "deactivating" and "deleting" is that deleting is permanent while a deactivated key can be reactivated.

    How to authenticate

    Example request

    # Make sure to replace 'username' and 'password' with your actual credentials
    curl "" \
         -u "username:password"

    Authentication is done via "Basic Auth" (HTTP authentication), that requires a username and a password. The credentials are concatenated with a trailing colon (username:password) and then encoded using a Base64 algorithm. This encoded value (e.g. dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=) is then added to the request header:

    Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=

    Most programming languages and libraries provide built-in "Basic Auth" support that does automatically add the request header above. We recommend that you check first whether such an implementation already exists, before implementing your own.

    Good To Know


    Example response

      "surveys": []

    All responses are UTF-8 encoded and in JSON format. Responses will always return an object literal as main object, and never simply an array or a boolean, etc.


    Example timestamp format

      "created_on": "2017-08-07T12:07:56+00:00"

    All timestamps are formatted based on ISO 8601. All timestamps are shown in UTC.

    Rate Limiting

    Please do not make more than two requests per second. Making a new request less than 500ms after the last request will immediately fail and return a "Too Many Requests" error.

    Survey API

    Get all surveys

    Example request

    curl "" \
         -u "username:password"

    Example response

      "surveys": [
          "survey_id": 1000,
          "title": "Customer Satisfaction Survey",
          "internal_name": "Long time customers",
          "created_on": "2017-08-07T12:07:56+00:00",
          "number_of_questions": 12,
          "number_of_collectors": 2,
          "number_of_responses": 78
          "survey_id": 53635,
          "title": "Event Feedback",
          "internal_name": "",
          "created_on": "2018-02-27T20:12:33+00:00",
          "number_of_questions": 3,
          "number_of_collectors": 1,
          "number_of_responses": 2

    This endpoint returns all surveys that you have access to. These are your own surveys as well as surveys shared with you from team members.

    HTTP request


    Response properties

    Property surveys will contain an array with your surveys, sorted by survey title in alphabetical order.

    Property Type Description
    survey_id integer Unique identifier for the survey.
    title string Title of the survey.
    internal_name string Private description of survey. Not visible to participants.
    created_on timestamp Timestamp of when the survey was created.
    number_of_questions integer Number of questions contained in survey. This does only contain actual questions, not static text or other elements.
    number_of_collectors integer Number of collectors linked to this survey.
    number_of_responses integer Total number of responses collected with survey.

    Get survey details

    Example request

    curl "" \
         -u "username:password"

    Example response

      "survey_id": 53635,
      "title": "Event Feedback",
      "internal_name": "",
      "created_on": "2018-02-27T20:12:33+00:00",
      "number_of_elements": 6,
      "number_of_questions": 3,
      "number_of_collectors": 1,
      "number_of_responses": 2,
      "number_of_webhooks": 1,
      "settings": {
        "is_anonymous": false

    You can get more general details about a survey. This endpoint is normally the entry point for accessing its questions, responses, etc.

    HTTP request


    Response properties

    The object will contain the same properties as in the survey overview, with following addition:

    Property Type Description
    number_of_elements integer Total number of elements contained in the survey. This includes all questions as well as static elements, such as text, images, etc.
    number_of_webhooks integer Total number of webhooks that have been set for this survey.
    settings.is_anonymous boolean Whether it is an anonymous survey.

    Element API

    Get all elements from survey

    Example request

    curl "" \
         -u "username:password"

    Example response

      "elements": [
          "element_id": 664789,
          "type": "text",
          "text": {
            "value": "Event Feedback",
            "style": "header"
          "element_id": 664697,
          "type": "question",
          "question": {
            "question_text": "How likely is it that you would recommend the event to a friend or colleague?",
            "description_text": "",
            "type": "rating_scale",
            "rating_scale": {
              "style": "net_promoter_score",
              "left": {
                "label": "Not at all likely",
                "value": 0
              "right": {
                "label": "Extremely likely",
                "value": 10
              "step_size": 1
            "settings": {
              "is_required": false
          "element_id": 664706,
          "type": "question",
          "question": {
            "question_text": "Is there anything you would like to share about the event?",
            "description_text": "",
            "type": "input",
            "input": {
              "default_value": "",
              "placeholder_value": "",
              "accepts": {
                "type": "text",
                "text": {
                  "max_number_of_characters": null
            "settings": {
              "is_required": false

    As well as a variety of question types, a survey may also contain "helper" content such as text paragraphs, titles, images, etc. The overall term for all these is "elements". An element can therefore be a question or just static content. This endpoint will return all elements from your survey.

    If you are only interested in the actual questions within your survey, you can also fetch questions only.

    HTTP request


    Response properties

    Property elements will contain an array with all elements contained in the survey. They are ordered according to their position in the live survey. While each element type will have specific properties, they do all share following properties:

    Property Type Description
    element_id integer Unique identifier for the element.
    type string Element type name. Each element type has different properties.

    Additionally, the element object will have a property named after its type. E.g. an element of type question will also have a property called question.

    Get only questions from survey

    Example request

    curl "" \
         -u "username:password"

    Example response

      "elements": [
          "element_id": 664697,
          "type": "question",
          "question": {
            "question_text": "How likely is it that you would recommend the event to a friend or colleague?",
            "description_text": "",
            "type": "rating_scale",
            "rating_scale": {
              "style": "net_promoter_score",
              "left": {
                "label": "Not at all likely",
                "value": 0
              "right": {
                "label": "Extremely likely",
                "value": 10
              "step_size": 1
            "settings": {
              "is_required": false
          "element_id": 664706,
          "type": "question",
          "question": {
            "question_text": "Is there anything you would like to share about the event?",
            "description_text": "",
            "type": "input",
            "input": {
              "default_value": "",
              "placeholder_value": "",
              "accepts": {
                "type": "text",
                "text": {
                  "max_number_of_characters": null
            "settings": {
              "is_required": false

    Compared to fetching all elements, this endpoint will only return the question elements contained in the survey. Knowing the details about the questions within your survey will help you to understand the answer data from your respondents.

    HTTP request


    Response properties

    Property elements will contain an array with all questions contained in the survey, in the same order as they appear in the questionnaire. While each question type will have specific properties, all questions share following properties:

    Property Type Description
    question.question_text string Question text.
    question.description_text string Additional text below question text.
    question.settings object Various properties based on question type.
    question.settings.is_required boolean This setting is shared among all question types. If true, a participant cannot submit their answers without answering this question.

    Get data in specific language

    Example request

    curl "" \
         -u "username:password"

    If you have a multilingual survey, you may want to retrieve your survey's elements (or questions) in a specific language. To do that, simply add the required language as GET parameter to the endpoint. You can find all available languages for your survey with the Language API.

    When no lang parameter is provided, the data will be returned using the survey's main language.

    HTTP request


    Element Types

    Every element object has at least three properties: element_id, type and a third property named like its type. For example, if an element is of type text, then there will also be a property named text.

    Currently, following element types exist: text, image, code, separator and question

    text element

    Example text element

      "element_id": 666755,
      "type": "text",
      "text": {
        "value": "Customer Satisfaction Survey",
        "style": "header"
    Property Type Description
    text.value string The actual text content of the element. string The styling of the text content. Currently available: header or regular

    image element

    Example image element

      "element_id": 667014,
      "type": "image",
      "image": {
        "text": "Punta Espinosa, Galapagos",
        "image_url": ""
    Property Type Description
    image.text string Text description of image, shown above the image.
    image.image_url string|null URL path to image visible to the participant. null if no image was uploaded yet.

    code element

    Example code element

      "element_id": 3314501,
      "type": "code",
      "code": "<iframe src=\"\" height=\"500\" width=\"100%\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen></iframe>"
    Property Type Description
    code string|null Contains the actual embed code (iframe) or null if no code was defined yet.

    separator element

    Example separator element

      "element_id": 666757,
      "type": "separator",
      "separator": {}
    Property Type Description
    separator object Object containing all details of separator element (currently empty).

    question element

    Example question element

      "element_id": 666812,
      "type": "question",
      "question": {
        "question_text": "Do you have any further comments?",
        "description_text": "Please feel free to leave us a note here.",
        "type": "input",
        "input": {
          "default_value": "",
          "placeholder_value": "",
          "accepts": {
            "type": "text",
            "text": {
              "max_number_of_characters": 500
        "settings": {
          "is_required": false
    Property Type Description
    question.question_text string Question text.
    question.description_text string Additional description text below question text.
    question.type string Question type name. The question object will have an additional property named after its type. All different question types are described below.

    Question Types

    Every question object has at least four properties: question_text, description_text, type and a fourth property named like its type. For example, if a question is of type input, then there will also be a property named input.

    Currently, following question types exist: choice_list, choice_table, file_upload, image_choice_list, input, input_list, input_table, ranking and rating_scale

    choice_list question

    Example choice_list question

      "element_id": 666967,
      "type": "question",
      "question": {
        "question_text": "Which of these courses have you already attended?",
        "description_text": "You can select multiple options.",
        "type": "choice_list",
        "choice_list": {
          "choices": [
                "choice_id": 1745870,
                "label": "Course A"
                "choice_id": 1745871,
                "label": "Course B"
                "choice_id": 1745872,
                "label": "Course C"
                "choice_id": 1745873,
                "label": "Course D"
                "choice_id": 0,
                "label": "Other"
          "settings": {
            "allows_multiple_choices": true,
            "min_number_of_choices": null,
            "max_number_of_choices": null
        "settings": {
          "is_required": false
    Property Type Description
    choice_list.choices object[] Array of choice objects.
    choice_list.settings object Object containing all available settings for this question type.
    choice_list.settings.allows_multiple_choices boolean Whether participant can select multiple choices or only a single one.
    choice_list.settings.min_number_of_choices integer|null Minimum number of choices that need to be selected. null if there are no restrictions.
    choice_list.settings.max_number_of_choices integer|null Maximum number of choices that can be selected. null if there are no restrictions.

    choice_table question

    Example choice_table question

      "element_id": 666978,
      "type": "question",
      "question": {
        "question_text": "On which days do you use following products:",
        "description_text": "You can select multiple options per row.",
        "type": "choice_table",
        "choice_table": {
          "rows": [
              "row_id": 1745892,
              "label": "Product A"
              "row_id": 1745893,
              "label": "Product B"
              "row_id": 1745894,
              "label": "Product C"
          "choices": [
              "choice_id": 177294,
              "label": "Mon"
              "choice_id": 177295,
              "label": "Tue"
              "choice_id": 177296,
              "label": "Wed"
              "choice_id": 177297,
              "label": "Thu"
              "choice_id": 177298,
              "label": "Fri"
          "settings": {
            "allows_multiple_choices_per_row": true
        "settings": {
          "is_required": false
    Property Type Description
    choice_table.rows object[] Array of row objects.
    choice_table.choices object[] Array of choice objects.
    choice_table.settings.allows_multiple_choices_per_row boolean Whether a participant can select multiple choices per row or only a single one.

    file_upload question

    Example file_upload question

      "element_id": 1387752,
      "type": "question",
      "question": {
        "question_text": "Please upload your image here:",
        "description_text": "",
        "type": "file_upload",
        "file_upload": {
          "max_file_size_in_mb": 25,
          "accepted_file_types": [
        "settings": {
          "is_required": false
    Property Type Description
    file_upload.max_file_size_in_mb integer Maximum allowed file size in megabytes per uploaded file.
    file_upload.accepted_file_types string[] Array of allowed file extensions (without leading dot/period) for uploaded files.

    image_choice_list question

    Example image_choice_list question

      "element_id": 666941,
      "type": "question",
      "question": {
        "question_text": "Please pick your two favorite images:",
        "description_text": "You need to pick exactly 2 choices.",
        "type": "image_choice_list",
        "image_choice_list": {
          "choices": [
              "choice_id": 6244,
              "label": "Beach",
              "image_url": ""
              "choice_id": 6245,
              "label": "Woods",
              "image_url": ""
              "choice_id": 6246,
              "label": "Mountains",
              "image_url": ""
          "settings": {
            "allows_multiple_choices": true,
            "min_number_of_choices": 2,
            "max_number_of_choices": 2
        "settings": {
          "is_required": false
    Property Type Description
    image_choice_list.choices object[] Array of "image choice" objects.
    image_choice_list.settings.allows_multiple_choices boolean Whether participant can select multiple choices or only a single one.
    image_choice_list.settings.min_number_of_choices integer|null Minimum number of choices that need to be selected. null if there are no restrictions.
    image_choice_list.settings.max_number_of_choices integer|null Maximum number of choices that can be selected. null if there are no restrictions.

    input question

    Example input question

      "element_id": 666811,
      "type": "question",
      "question": {
        "question_text": "What is your full name?",
        "description_text": "",
        "type": "input",
        "input": {
          "default_value": "",
          "placeholder_value": "",
          "accepts": {
            "type": "text",
            "text": {
              "max_number_of_characters": null
        "settings": {
          "is_required": false
    Property Type Description
    input.default_value string Default value in the input field.
    input.placeholder_value string Placeholder that is shown in the input field if no value is set.
    input.accepts object Object that defines what values the input accepts.

    input_list question

    Example input_list question

      "element_id": 667012,
      "type": "question",
      "question": {
        "question_text": "Please enter your contact details:",
        "description_text": "",
        "type": "input_list",
        "input_list": {
          "accepts": {
            "type": "text",
            "text": {
              "max_number_of_characters": null
          "inputs": [
              "input_id": 1745983,
              "label": "First and last name"
              "input_id": 1745984,
              "label": "Street address"
              "input_id": 1745985,
              "label": "Postal code and city"
              "input_id": 1745986,
              "label": "Phone number"
              "input_id": 1745987,
              "label": "Email address"
        "settings": {
          "is_required": false
    Property Type Description
    input_list.accepts object Object that defines what values the inputs accept.
    input_list.inputs object[] Array of input objects. Each input inherits the above "accepts" behavior.

    input_table question

    Example input_table question

      "element_id": 666981,
      "type": "question",
      "question": {
        "question_text": "How many hours per day do you use following products:",
        "description_text": "Please only enter numbers.",
        "type": "input_table",
        "input_table": {
          "accepts": {
            "type": "number",
            "number": {}
          "rows": [
              "row_id": 1745901,
              "label": "Product A"
              "row_id": 1745902,
              "label": "Product B"
              "row_id": 1745903,
              "label": "Product C"
          "columns": [
              "column_id": 177301,
              "label": "Mon"
              "column_id": 177302,
              "label": "Tue"
              "column_id": 177303,
              "label": "Wed"
              "column_id": 177304,
              "label": "Thu"
              "column_id": 177305,
              "label": "Fri"
        "settings": {
          "is_required": false
    Property Type Description
    input_table.text object Object that defines what values the inputs accept.
    input_table.rows object[] Array of row objects.
    input_table.columns object[] Array of column objects.

    ranking question

    Example ranking question

      "element_id": 1238491,
      "type": "question",
      "question": {
        "question_text": "Please rank the following in order of importance to you, first being the most important:",
        "description_text": "",
        "type": "ranking",
        "ranking": {
          "choices": [
              "choice_id": 3132165,
              "label": "Health"
              "choice_id": 3132166,
              "label": "Family &amp; Friends"
              "choice_id": 3132167,
              "label": "Purpose"
              "choice_id": 3132168,
              "label": "Freedom"
              "choice_id": 3132169,
              "label": "Money"
          "settings": {
            "allows_not_applicable": true,
            "not_applicable_label": "n/a"
        "settings": {
          "is_required": true
    Property Type Description
    ranking.choices object[] Array of choice objects.
    ranking.settings.allows_not_applicable boolean Whether a participant can omit certain choices from ranking or not.
    ranking.settings.not_applicable_label string Text label that is shown to participant for "not applicable" option.

    rating_scale question

    Example rating_scale question

      "element_id": 666974,
      "type": "question",
      "question": {
        "question_text": "How likely is it that you would recommend us to a friend or colleague?",
        "description_text": "",
        "type": "rating_scale",
        "rating_scale": {
          "style": "net_promoter_score",
          "left": {
            "label": "Not at all likely",
            "value": 0
          "right": {
            "label": "Extremely likely",
            "value": 10
          "step_size": 1
        "settings": {
          "is_required": false
    Property Type Description string Style of rating question. May be star_icons, tick_icons, heart_icons, user_icons, thumb_icons, slider or numerical_scale.
    rating_scale.left.label string Text on the left side of the rating scale.
    rating_scale.left.value integer Numeric value of left pole.
    rating_scale.right.label string Text on the right side of the rating scale.
    rating_scale.right.value integer Numeric value of right pole.
    rating_scale.step_size integer Step size available to participant to select on the rating scale (e.g. rating from 1 to 5, with step size 1, allows to choose 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5).

    Collector API

    Get all collectors from survey

    Example request

    curl "" \
         -u "username:password"

    Example response

      "collectors": [
          "collector_id": 479800,
          "name": "Web Iframe 1",
          "created_on": "2020-06-12T15:56:32+00:00",
          "status": "closed"
          "collector_id": 479799,
          "name": "Email Invite 1",
          "created_on": "2020-06-12T15:56:09+00:00",
          "status": "active"
          "collector_id": 99583,
          "name": "Survey Link 1",
          "created_on": "2018-02-27T19:13:54+00:00",
          "status": "active"

    Each survey can have multiple "collectors". Collectors are different options to collect responses, such as survey links, embed code, email invitations, etc. You can learn more about available collectors here: Different ways to collect responses

    Each collector has a unique ID, and responses you collect will reference that ID. That way, you will know which collector (e.g. survey link) was used to collect a particular response, and you will also know which survey this collector belongs to (survey > collector > response).

    HTTP request


    Response properties

    Property collectors will contain an array with all collectors linked to the survey.

    Property Type Description
    collector_id integer Unique identifier of the collector.
    name string Name of the collector. This value was defined by the user who created it.
    created_on timestamp Timestamp of when the collector was created.
    status string Status of the collector. This can either be active (the collector can still collect new responses) or closed (the collector does not accept new responses).

    Get collector details

    Example request

    curl "" \
         -u "username:password"

    Example response

      "collector_id": 99583,
      "name": "Survey Link 1",
      "created_on": "2018-02-27T19:13:54+00:00",
      "status": "active",
      "number_of_responses": 87

    This endpoint will return the details of a collector including the current number of responses collected by the specific collector.

    HTTP request


    Response properties

    The object will contain the same properties as in the collector overview, with following addition:

    Property Type Description
    number_of_responses integer Total number of responses collected with that very collector.

    Change collector status

    Example request

    curl -X POST "" \
         -u "username:password" \
         -F "status:closed"

    Example response

      "collector_id": 99583,
      "name": "Survey Link 1",
      "created_on": "2018-02-27T19:13:54+00:00",
      "status": "closed",
      "number_of_responses": 87

    This endpoint allows you to either activate or close an existing collector. When a collector (e.g. survey link) is active it can be used for people to participate in your survey. When a collector is closed, it is not possible to participate in your survey with that collector anymore.

    HTTP request


    Request parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    status string, required Whether you want the collector to be active or closed.

    Response properties

    The request will return the updated collector details.

    Language API

    Get all languages from survey

    Example request

    curl "" \
         -u "username:password"

    Example response

      "languages": [
          "name": "English",
          "code": "en",
          "is_default": true,
          "is_active": true
          "name": "German",
          "code": "de",
          "is_default": false,
          "is_active": false

    Every survey has one main language (default), and may have additional languages (multilingual survey). You can list all available languages of your surveys here.

    HTTP request


    Response properties

    Property languages will contain an array with all languages of the survey.

    Property Type Description
    name string English name of language (e.g. "German").
    code string Language code of survey (e.g. "de")
    is_default boolean The default language is the main language of the survey (the language the survey was built in). Only one language can be default, and it will always be active.
    is_active boolean Whether the language is active for participants to use. The default language will always be active.

    Response API

    Get all responses

    Example request

    curl "" \
         -u "username:password"

    Example response

      "responses": [
          "response_id": 3863473,
          "collector_id": 99910,
          "survey_id": 53635,
          "started_on": "2018-02-27T20:14:29+00:00",
          "last_updated_on": "2018-02-27T20:16:06+00:00",
          "email_address": null,
          "recipient_data": null,
          "link_parameters": {
            "client-id": 12345,
            "company": "Acme Inc."
          "language": {
            "code": "de",
            "name": "German"
          "ip_address": null,
          "meta_data": {
            "device": "desktop",
            "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.186 Safari/537.36"
          "status": "completed"
          "response_id": 3863469,
          "collector_id": 99910,
          "started_on": "2018-02-27T20:13:59+00:00",
          "last_updated_on": "2018-02-27T20:14:27+00:00",
          "email_address": null,
          "recipient_data": null,
          "link_parameters": null,
          "language": {
            "code": "en",
            "name": "English"
          "ip_address": null,
          "meta_data": {
            "device": "mobile",
            "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; SM-G532MT Build/MMB29T; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/86.0.4240.110 Mobile Safari/537.36 [FB_IAB/FB4A;FBAV/;]"
          "status": "incomplete"

    With this endpoint you will get an overview of all responses given to your survey. Whenever someone participates in a survey, this generates a response. If you need to get the actual answers given within a response, you can simply access its response_id.

    HTTP request


    Response properties

    Property responses will contain an array with all responses given to your survey, in ascending order (newest first).

    Property Type Description
    response_id integer Unique identifier for the response.
    collector_id integer Unique identifier of the collector that was used to collect the response.
    survey_id integer Unique identifier of the survey.
    started_on timestamp Timestamp of when the participant has opened your survey for the first time.
    last_updated_on timestamp Timestamp of the last time the user navigated through your survey or submitted their answers (clicked "Back", "Next" or "Finish"). If the status of this response is completed, then last_updated_on represents the time of completion.
    access_code string|null If the respondent was invited using our "Access Code" collector, their access code will show here. However, if you have set your survey to be "anonymous", this value will always be null.
    email_address string|null If the respondent was invited using our "Email Invite" collector, their email address will show here. However, if you have set your survey to be "anonymous", this value will always be null.
    recipient_data object|null Any additional information that was added to the Email Invite collector will show here. However, if there is none or if you have set your survey to be "anonymous", this value will always be null.
    link_parameters object|null Any GET parameters that were added to the survey link of the participant will show here. However, if there are none or if you have set your survey to be "anonymous", this value will always be null.
    language object|null In case of a multilingual survey, it will show the language that was chosen by participant. Will show null if not a multilingual survey.
    language.code string Language code corresponding to selected language, e.g. "en" for English, "de" for German, etc. string Will show the language name in English, e.g. "English", "Spanish", etc.
    ip_address string|null If the collector was set to save IP addresses, they will show here. However, if you have set your survey to be "anonymous", this value will always be null.
    meta_data object Browser meta data such as device and user-agent information are being saved with each participation. The device can be either desktop, tablet or mobile and is derived from the browser's user agent information.
    status string Participation status can either be incomplete or completed. Incomplete means that the participant has started, but not yet finished the survey. If last_updated_on is a long time ago, it might be a drop-off.

    Filtering responses

    Example request

    curl "" \
         -u "username:password"

    Example response

      "responses": [
          "response_id": 3863473,
          "collector_id": 99910,
          "started_on": "2018-02-27T20:14:29+00:00",
          "last_updated_on": "2018-02-27T20:16:06+00:00",
          "email_address": null,
          "recipient_data": null,
          "link_parameters": {
            "client-id": 12345,
            "company": "Acme Inc."
          "language": {
            "code": "de",
            "name": "German"
          "ip_address": null,
          "meta_data": {
            "device": "desktop",
            "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 11_0_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.80 Safari/537.36"
          "status": "completed"

    The ability to filter your responses is useful when you only need a subset of results. You can add any combination of GET parameters listed below to the HTTP request endpoint, and your responses will be filtered accordingly.

    HTTP request


    Available filters

    The following key/value pairs can be used to filter your responses. They should be added as GET parameter to the URL. You can filter by multiple parameters.

    Key Value Description
    status string You can filter by either completed or incomplete responses.
    started_on[from] timestamp Get responses that have been started either at or after the provided time. Format of timestamp must be ISO 8601 (e.g. 2020-06-17T12:42:39+00:00).
    started_on[to] timestamp Get responses that have been started either at or before the provided time. Format of timestamp must be ISO 8601 (e.g. 2020-06-17T12:42:39+00:00).
    last_updated_on[from] timestamp Get responses which had their last update either at or after the provided time. Format of timestamp must be ISO 8601 (e.g. 2020-06-17T12:42:39+00:00).
    last_updated_on[to] timestamp Get responses which had their last update either at or before the provided time. Format of timestamp must be ISO 8601 (e.g. 2020-06-17T12:42:39+00:00).
    collector_id integer|integer[] Get responses that were collected with a specific collector, e.g. collector_id=99910. You can also filter for multiple collectors, e.g. collector_id[]=99910&collector_id[]=99911.

    Usage example

    One common use case is to filter for completed responses within a specific period (e.g. yesterday). This could be achieved with following request:


    The request above will only return survey responses that have been completed between 2020-06-17T00:00:00+00:00 and 2020-06-17T23:59:59+00:00.

    Export responses as CSV/Excel file

    Example request

    curl "" \
         -u "username:password"

    Example response

    Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="SurveyHero-Responses-2022-01-11.csv"
    Content-Length: 5621
    Content-Type: text/csv;charset=UTF-8

    When using the browser version of SurveyHero, users can download pre-formatted CSV and Excel files of their responses. This is also possible via the API by adding format as attribute to your GET request.

    HTTP request


    Available formats

    Allowed formats are csv and excel. Simply replace type with one of the two, e.g. format=excel. The format attribute can be combined with any response filtering you may have applied, for example:


    The response body will contain all data and the response header will include Content-Type, Content-Disposition (recommended filename and extension) as well as Content-Length. This information will allow you to process and save the response as a file.

    Get all answers from response

    Example request

    curl "" \
         -u "username:password"

    Example response

      "response_id": 3875825,
      "collector_id": 99910,
      "started_on": "2018-02-28T16:32:24+00:00",
      "last_updated_on": "2018-12-09T16:06:18+00:00",
      "email_address": null,
      "recipient_data": null,
      "link_parameters": null,
      "language": null,
      "ip_address": null,
      "meta_data": {
        "device": "tablet",
        "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 13_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.4 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1"
      "status": "incomplete",
      "previous_response_id": null,
      "next_response_id": 8653465,
      "answers": [
          "element_id": 666812,
          "question_text": "Do you have any further comments?",
          "type": "text",
          "text": "Everything was nicely organized, thank you!"
          "element_id": 666974,
          "question_text": "How likely is it that you would recommend us to a friend or colleague?",
          "type": "number",
          "number": 9
          "element_id": 666809,
          "question_text": "In which department do you work?",
          "type": "choices",
          "choices": [
              "choice_id": 1745223,
              "label": "Department B"

    This endpoint allows you to retrieve all answers given within a response.

    HTTP request


    Response properties

    The object will contain the same properties as in the responses overview, with following addition:

    Property Type Description
    previous_response_id integer|null Unique identifier of the previous response. If null, then there is no previous response meaning this is the first available response.
    next_response_id integer|null Unique identifier of the next response. If null, then there is no next response meaning this is the last available response.
    answers object[] Array with one answer object per question in your survey.
    answers[].element_id integer Unique identifier of the corresponding question within your survey. You can find all details about the question by looking up the question details.
    answers[].question_text string Question text.
    answers[].type string The type of the answer. Each answer type may have different properties.

    Example request

    curl "" \
         -u "username:password"

    Example response

      "url": ""

    This endpoint will return the "resume link" for the specific response, allowing participation to be resumed where it was left off. This is useful for incomplete responses.

    HTTP request


    Response properties

    Property Type Description
    url string Question text.

    Delete a response

    Example request

    curl -X DELETE "" \
         -u "username:password"

    Example response

      "response_id": 3875825,
      "status": "deleted"

    This endpoint allows you to permanently delete collected responses.

    HTTP request


    Response properties

    The request will either return the response ID that was deleted, or an error message if deletion failed (e.g. because response was already deleted before).

    Answer Types

    Every answer object always consists of element_id, question_text, type and an additional property named after the type. For example, if an answer is of type text, then there will also be a property named text.

    Currently, following answer types exist: choice_table, choices, date, file, input_table, inputs, number , ranking and text

    choice_table answer

    Example choice_table answer

      "element_id": 666978,
      "question_text": "On which days do you use following products:",
      "type": "choice_table",
      "choice_table": [
          "row_id": 1745892,
          "label": "Product A",
          "choices": [
              "choice_id": 177295,
              "label": "Tue"
              "choice_id": 177297,
              "label": "Thu"
          "row_id": 1745894,
          "label": "Product C",
          "choices": [
              "choice_id": 177296,
              "label": "Wed"
    Property Type Description
    choice_table object[] Array of row objects.
    choice_table[].row_id integer Unique identifier of row where selection was made.
    choice_table[].label string Row description that was visible to participant.
    choice_table[].choices object[] Array of choices that participant did select in this very row as their answer.

    choices answer

    Example choices answer

      "element_id": 666967,
      "question_text": "Which of these courses have you already attended?",
      "type": "choices",
      "choices": [
          "choice_id": 1745870,
          "label": "Course A"
          "choice_id": 1745872,
          "label": "Course C"
          "choice_id": 0,
          "label": "I think it was Course E"
    Property Type Description
    choices object[] Array of choices that participant did select as their answer.

    date answer

    Example date answer

      "element_id": 666971,
      "question_text": "Please choose a date:",
      "type": "date",
      "date": "2018-02-15"
    Property Type Description
    date string|null The date that was picked by the participant in format YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. "2018-02-15") or null if no selection was made.

    file answer

    Example file answer

      "element_id": 1387752,
      "question_text": "Please upload your image here:",
      "type": "file",
      "file": {
        "name": "Galapagos.jpg",
        "size": 480447,
        "path": "/v1/download/element/1387752/response/3875825"
    Property Type Description
    file object|null If a file was uploaded, its name, size and path will be available here. If no file was uploaded, this will be null. string The file name of the uploaded file.
    file.size integer The file size of the uploaded file, in bytes.
    file.path string The file path to download the file body. Follow this path to download the content of the uploaded file.

    input_table answer

    Example input_table answer

      "element_id": 666981,
      "question_text": "How many hours per day do you use following products:",
      "type": "input_table",
      "input_table": [
          "row_id": 1745901,
          "label": "Product A",
          "columns": [
              "column_id": 177302,
              "label": "Tue",
              "answer": {
                "type": "number",
                "number": 1.5
              "column_id": 177304,
              "label": "Thu",
              "answer": {
                "type": "number",
                "number": 1.5
          "row_id": 1745903,
          "label": "Product C",
          "columns": [
              "column_id": 177303,
              "label": "Wed",
              "answer": {
                "type": "number",
                "number": 3
    Property Type Description
    input_table object[] Array of row objects.
    input_table[].row_id integer Unique identifier of row where input was made.
    input_table[].label string Row description that was visible to participant.
    input_table[].columns object[] Array of column objects.
    input_table[].columns[].column_id integer Unique identifier of column where input was made. The combination of row_id and column_id gives you the "coordinate" within the table.
    input_table[].columns[].label string Column description that was visible to participant.
    input_table[].columns[].answer object Answer object with details about answer.

    inputs answer

    Example inputs answer

      "element_id": 667012,
      "question_text": "Please enter your contact details:",
      "type": "inputs",
      "inputs": [
          "input_id": 1745983,
          "label": "First and last name",
          "answer": {
            "type": "text",
            "text": "John Smith"
          "input_id": 1745985,
          "label": "Postal code and city",
          "answer": {
            "type": "text",
            "text": "8008 Zürich"
          "input_id": 1745987,
          "label": "Email address",
          "answer": {
            "type": "text",
            "text": ""
    Property Type Description
    inputs object[] Array of input objects.
    inputs[].input_id integer Unique identifier of input.
    inputs[].label string Input description that was visible to participant.
    inputs[].answer object Answer object with details about answer.

    number answer

    Example number answer

      "element_id": 666974,
      "question_text": "How likely is it that you would recommend us to a friend or colleague?",
      "type": "number",
      "number": 9
    Property Type Description
    number integer|null Number that was entered or selected by the participant, or null if no answer was given.

    ranking answer

    Example ranking answer

      "element_id": 1238491,
      "question_text": "Please rank the following in order of importance to you, first being the most important:",
      "type": "ranking",
      "ranking": {
        "ranked_choices": [
            "choice_id": 3132165,
            "label": "Health"
            "choice_id": 3132166,
            "label": "Family &amp; Friends"
            "choice_id": 3132167,
            "label": "Purpose"
        "not_applicable_choices": [
            "choice_id": 3132169,
            "label": "Money"
    Property Type Description
    ranking.ranked_choices object[] Array containing the items that the participant considered in their ranking. The order of this array matches the ranking order done by the participant.
    ranking.not_applicable_choices object[] Array containing the items that the participant did explicitly not consider in their ranking (marked as "not applicable").

    text answer

    Example text answer

      "element_id": 666811,
      "question_text": "What is your full name?",
      "type": "text",
      "text": "John Smith"
    Property Type Description
    text string|null Text that was entered by the participant, or null if not answer was given.

    Report API

    Get tabulated results from survey

    Example request

    curl "" \
         -u "username:password"

    Example response

      "results": [
          "element_id": 666759,
          "question_text": "In which department do you work?",
          "number_of_responses": 3,
          "type": "choices",
          "choices": [
              "choice_id": 1745079,
              "label": "Department A",
              "count": 0,
              "percentage": 0
              "choice_id": 1745080,
              "label": "Department B",
              "count": 3,
              "percentage": 100
              "choice_id": 1745081,
              "label": "Department C",
              "count": 0,
              "percentage": 0
          "element_id": 666972,
          "question_text": "How would you rate our product?",
          "number_of_responses": 3,
          "type": "rating_scale",
          "rating_scale": {
            "left": {
              "label": "Miserable",
              "value": 1
            "right": {
              "label": "Excellent",
              "value": 5
            "step_size": 1,
            "values": [
                "value": 4,
                "count": 2,
                "percentage": 66.67
                "value": 5,
                "count": 1,
                "percentage": 33.33
            "stats": {
              "average": 4.33,
              "standard_deviation": 0.47
          "element_id": 666812,
          "question_text": "Do you have any further comments?",
          "number_of_responses": 3,
          "type": "answers",
          "answers": [
              "response_id": 9497617,
              "type": "text",
              "text": "Very happy with the support I have received from James."
              "response_id": 8653465,
              "type": "text",
              "text": "No, I have not."
              "response_id": 3875825,
              "type": "text",
              "text": "Everything was nicely organized, thank you!"

    This endpoint will return the complete and tabulated results from your survey ("Report").

    HTTP request


    Response properties

    Property results will contain an array with each question from your survey, including their tabulated results. The questions will be listed in the same order they are in your questionnaire.

    Each array element will have following properties. However, the results property will be different from question type to question type.

    Property Type Description
    element_id integer Unique identifier for the element.
    question_text string Question text.
    number_of_responses integer Number of responses that this question has received.
    type string Type of the result. Each result type has different properties.

    Result Types

    Every result object always consists of element_id, question_text, number_of_responses, type and an additional property named after the type. For example, if a result is of type choices, then there will also be a property named choices.

    Currently, following result types exist: answers, choice_table, choices, dates, likert_scale, likert_scale_table, numeric_input_table, numeric_inputs, ranking and rating_scale

    answers result

    Example answers result

      "element_id": 666811,
      "question_text": "What is your full name?",
      "number_of_responses": 2,
      "type": "answers",
      "answers": [
          "response_id": 9497617,
          "type": "text",
          "text": "Shirley J. Lummus"
          "response_id": 3875825,
          "type": "text",
          "text": "John Smith"

    The Report API is about returning tabulated and aggregated data. However, certain question types, such as open text question, do not allow to aggregate data. In such cases, we simply return all answers one by one.

    Property Type Description
    answers object[] Array of answer objects, matching answer types of Response API.
    answers[].response_id integer Unique identifier for the response.
    answers[].type string The type of the answer, according to the different answer types declared in the Response API.

    choice_table result

    Example choice_table result

      "element_id": 666978,
      "question_text": "On which days do you use following products:",
      "number_of_responses": 3,
      "type": "choice_table",
      "choice_table": [
          "row_id": 1745892,
          "label": "Product A",
          "choices": [
              "choice_id": 177294,
              "label": "Mon",
              "count": 0,
              "percentage": 0
              "choice_id": 177295,
              "label": "Tue",
              "count": 3,
              "percentage": 42.86
              "choice_id": 177296,
              "label": "Wed",
              "count": 1,
              "percentage": 14.29
              "choice_id": 177297,
              "label": "Thu",
              "count": 2,
              "percentage": 28.57
              "choice_id": 177298,
              "label": "Fri",
              "count": 1,
              "percentage": 14.29
          "row_id": 1745893,
          "label": "Product B",
          "choices": [
              "choice_id": 177294,
              "label": "Mon",
              "count": 0,
              "percentage": 0
              "choice_id": 177295,
              "label": "Tue",
              "count": 0,
              "percentage": 0
              "choice_id": 177296,
              "label": "Wed",
              "count": 2,
              "percentage": 100
              "choice_id": 177297,
              "label": "Thu",
              "count": 0,
              "percentage": 0
              "choice_id": 177298,
              "label": "Fri",
              "count": 0,
              "percentage": 0
    Property Type Description
    choice_table object[] Array of row objects.
    choice_table[].row_id integer Unique row identifier.
    choice_table[].label string Row description.
    choice_table[].choices object[] Array of choices that collected answers in this very row.
    choice_table[].choices[].choice_id integer Unique choice identifier.
    choice_table[].choices[].label string Choice description.
    choice_table[].choices[].count integer How many times this choice was selected.
    choice_table[].choices[].percentage integer|float How many times this choice was selected in relation the total amount of choices within that row.

    choices result

    Example choices result

      "element_id": 666967,
      "question_text": "Which of these courses have you already attended?",
      "number_of_responses": 3,
      "type": "choices",
      "choices": [
          "choice_id": 1745870,
          "label": "Course A",
          "count": 3,
          "percentage": 100
          "choice_id": 1745871,
          "label": "Course B",
          "count": 0,
          "percentage": 0
          "choice_id": 1745872,
          "label": "Course C",
          "count": 3,
          "percentage": 100
          "choice_id": 1745873,
          "label": "Course D",
          "count": 1,
          "percentage": 33.33
          "choice_id": 0,
          "label": "Other",
          "count": 2,
          "percentage": 66.67,
          "answers": [
              "response_id": 8653465,
              "type": "text",
              "text": "Course E"
              "response_id": 3875825,
              "type": "text",
              "text": "I think it was Course E"
    Property Type Description
    choices[] object[] Array of choices that collected answers.
    choices[].choice_id integer Unique choice identifier.
    choices[].label string Choice description.
    choices[].count integer How many times this choice was selected.
    choices[].percentage integer|float How many times this choice was selected in relation to the number_of_responses for this question.
    choices[].answers object[] If choice_id equals 0, then the choice is an "Other" choice that did allow participants to enter their own choice text. These text entries will be listed here.

    dates result

    Example dates result

      "element_id": 666971,
      "question_text": "Please choose a date:",
      "number_of_responses": 3,
      "type": "dates",
      "dates": [
          "date": "2018-02-01",
          "count": 2,
          "percentage": 66.67
          "date": "2018-02-15",
          "count": 1,
          "percentage": 33.33
    Property Type Description
    dates object[] Array containing all selected dates. string The date that was picked by the participant in format YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. "2018-02-15").
    dates.count integer Number of times this date was selected.
    dates.percentage integer|float How many times this date was selected in relation to the number_of_responses for this question.

    likert_scale result

    Example likert_scale result

      "element_id": 666809,
      "question_text": "How are you today?",
      "number_of_responses": 3,
      "type": "likert_scale",
      "likert_scale": {
        "values": [
            "choice_id": 1745222,
            "label": "Could be better",
            "value": 1,
            "count": 1,
            "percentage": 33.33
            "choice_id": 1745223,
            "label": "OK",
            "value": 2,
            "count": 2,
            "percentage": 66.67
            "choice_id": 1745224,
            "label": "Great!",
            "value": 3,
            "count": 0,
            "percentage": 0
        "stats": {
          "average": 1.67,
          "standard_deviation": 0.47
    Property Type Description
    likert_scale.values object[] Array of value objects.
    likert_scale.values[].choice_id integer Unique identifier of choice.
    likert_scale.values[].label string Choice text.
    likert_scale.values[].value integer|null The value that was selected on the likert scale. Is null if the choice was flagged as "not applicable".
    likert_scale.values[].count integer The number of times this value was selected.
    likert_scale.values[].percentage integer|float|null The number of times this value was selected in relation to the total number of responses. Is null if the choice was flagged as "not applicable".
    likert_scale.stats[].average integer|float The overall average value across all responses.
    likert_scale.stats[].standard_deviation integer|float The standard deviation across all answers. The lower the standard deviation, the more the participants agreed with their answers. The higher the standard deviation, the more the participants disagreed with their answers.

    likert_scale_table result

    Example likert_scale_table result

      "element_id": 666976,
      "question_text": "How often do you use following features:",
      "number_of_responses": 3,
      "type": "likert_scale_table",
      "likert_scale_table": [
          "row_id": 1745886,
          "label": "Feature A",
          "likert_scale": {
            "values": [
                "choice_id": 177290,
                "label": "daily",
                "value": 1,
                "count": 0,
                "percentage": 0
                "choice_id": 177291,
                "label": "weekly",
                "value": 2,
                "count": 2,
                "percentage": 66.67
                "choice_id": 177292,
                "label": "monthly",
                "value": 3,
                "count": 1,
                "percentage": 33.33
                "choice_id": 177293,
                "label": "yearly",
                "value": 4,
                "count": 0,
                "percentage": 0
            "stats": {
              "average": 2.33,
              "standard_deviation": 0.47
          "row_id": 1745887,
          "label": "Feature B",
          "likert_scale": {
            "values": [
                "choice_id": 177290,
                "label": "daily",
                "value": 1,
                "count": 0,
                "percentage": 0
                "choice_id": 177291,
                "label": "weekly",
                "value": 2,
                "count": 1,
                "percentage": 100
                "choice_id": 177292,
                "label": "monthly",
                "value": 3,
                "count": 0,
                "percentage": 0
                "choice_id": 177293,
                "label": "yearly",
                "value": 4,
                "count": 0,
                "percentage": 0
            "stats": {
              "average": 2,
              "standard_deviation": 0
    Property Type Description
    likert_scale_table object[] Array of row objects.
    likert_scale_table.row_id integer Unique row identifier.
    likert_scale_table.label string Row description.
    likert_scale_table.likert_scale.values object[] Array of value objects.
    likert_scale_table.likert_scale.values[].choice_id integer Unique identifier of choice.
    likert_scale_table.likert_scale.values[].label string Choice text.
    likert_scale_table.likert_scale.values[].value integer|null The value that was selected on the likert scale in this row. Is null if the choice was flagged as "not applicable".
    likert_scale_table.likert_scale.values[].count integer The number of times this value was selected in this row.
    likert_scale_table.likert_scale.values[].percentage integer|float|null The number of times this value was selected in relation to the total selections within that row. Is null if the choice was flagged as "not applicable".
    likert_scale_table.likert_scale.stats[].average integer|float The overall average value across all responses in this row.
    likert_scale_table.likert_scale.stats[].standard_deviation integer|float The standard deviation across all answers in this row. The lower the standard deviation, the more the participants agreed with their answers. The higher the standard deviation, the more the participants disagreed with their answers.

    numeric_input_table result

    Example numeric_input_table result

      "element_id": 666981,
      "question_text": "How many hours per day do you use following products:",
      "number_of_responses": 3,
      "type": "numeric_input_table",
      "numeric_input_table": [
          "row_id": 1745901,
          "label": "Product A",
          "columns": [
              "column_id": 177301,
              "label": "Mon",
              "stats": {
                "sum": 1,
                "average": 1
              "column_id": 177302,
              "label": "Tue",
              "stats": {
                "sum": 2.5,
                "average": 1.25
              "column_id": 177303,
              "label": "Wed",
              "stats": {
                "sum": 2,
                "average": 2
              "column_id": 177304,
              "label": "Thu",
              "stats": {
                "sum": 1.5,
                "average": 1.5
              "column_id": 177305,
              "label": "Fri",
              "stats": {
                "sum": null,
                "average": null
          "row_id": 1745902,
          "label": "Product B",
          "columns": [
              "column_id": 177301,
              "label": "Mon",
              "stats": {
                "sum": null,
                "average": null
              "column_id": 177302,
              "label": "Tue",
              "stats": {
                "sum": 6,
                "average": 6
              "column_id": 177303,
              "label": "Wed",
              "stats": {
                "sum": 2,
                "average": 2
              "column_id": 177304,
              "label": "Thu",
              "stats": {
                "sum": null,
                "average": null
              "column_id": 177305,
              "label": "Fri",
              "stats": {
                "sum": null,
                "average": null
    Property Type Description
    numeric_input_table object[] Array of row objects.
    numeric_input_table[].row_id integer Unique row identifier.
    numeric_input_table[].label string Row description.
    numeric_input_table[].columns object[] Array of column objects.
    numeric_input_table[].columns[].column_id integer Unique identifier of column. The combination of row_id and column_id gives you the "coordinate" within the table.
    numeric_input_table[].columns[].label string Column description.
    numeric_input_table[].columns[].stats object Tabulated answers entered into this table input.
    numeric_input_table[].columns[].stats.sum integer|float|null Sum of values entered into numeric input. Is null if table input did not collect any responses.
    numeric_input_table[].columns[].stats.average integer|float|null Average of values entered into numeric input. Is null if table input did not collect any responses.

    numeric_inputs result

    Example numeric_inputs result

      "element_id": 1576276,
      "question_text": "How many hours per day have you been working out:",
      "number_of_responses": 2,
      "type": "numeric_inputs",
      "numeric_inputs": [
          "input_id": 3925583,
          "label": "Monday",
          "stats": {
            "sum": 2.5,
            "average": 1.25
          "input_id": 3925584,
          "label": "Tuesday",
          "stats": {
            "sum": null,
            "average": null
          "input_id": 3925585,
          "label": "Wednesday",
          "stats": {
            "sum": 2.5,
            "average": 1.25
          "input_id": 3925586,
          "label": "Thursday",
          "stats": {
            "sum": null,
            "average": null
          "input_id": 3925587,
          "label": "Friday",
          "stats": {
            "sum": null,
            "average": null
          "input_id": 3925588,
          "label": "Saturday",
          "stats": {
            "sum": 1.5,
            "average": 0.75
          "input_id": 3925589,
          "label": "Sunday",
          "stats": {
            "sum": 0.5,
            "average": 0.5
    Property Type Description
    numeric_inputs object[] Array of input objects.
    numeric_inputs[].input_id integer Unique input identifier.
    numeric_inputs[].label string Input description.
    numeric_inputs[].stats object Tabulated answers entered into this table input.
    numeric_inputs[].stats.sum integer|float|null Sum of values entered into numeric input. Is null if input did not collect any responses.
    numeric_inputs[].stats.average integer|float|null Average of values entered into numeric input. Is null if input did not collect any responses.

    ranking result

    Example ranking result

      "element_id": 1238491,
      "question_text": "Please rank the following in order of importance to you, first being the most important:",
      "number_of_responses": 3,
      "type": "ranking",
      "ranking": [
          "choice_id": 3132165,
          "label": "Health",
          "score": 8,
          "distribution": [
              "position": 1,
              "count": 2
              "position": 3,
              "count": 1
          "choice_id": 3132166,
          "label": "Family &amp; Friends",
          "score": 5,
          "distribution": [
              "position": 2,
              "count": 2
          "choice_id": 3132167,
          "label": "Purpose",
          "score": 5,
          "distribution": [
              "position": 1,
              "count": 1
              "position": 3,
              "count": 1
              "position": 4,
              "count": 1
          "choice_id": 3132168,
          "label": "Freedom",
          "score": 2,
          "distribution": [
              "position": 3,
              "count": 1
          "choice_id": 3132169,
          "label": "Money",
          "score": 0,
          "distribution": []
    Property Type Description
    ranking object[] Array containing all items available for ranking. The order of this array matches the overall ranking order (first to last).
    ranking[].choice_id integer Unique choice identifier.
    ranking[].label string Choice text.
    ranking[].score integer Overall ranking score of this very item. The first ranked item will have the highest score.
    ranking[].distribution object[] Array of rankings for this very choice.
    ranking[].distribution[].position integer Position where this choice was ranked in.
    ranking[].distribution[].count integer How many times the choice was ranked in this position.

    rating_scale result

    Example rating_scale result

      "element_id": 666974,
      "question_text": "How likely is it that you would recommend us to a friend or colleague?",
      "number_of_responses": 3,
      "type": "rating_scale",
      "rating_scale": {
        "left": {
          "label": "Not at all likely",
          "value": 0
        "right": {
          "label": "Extremely likely",
          "value": 10
        "step_size": 1,
        "values": [
            "value": 9,
            "count": 2,
            "percentage": 66.67
            "value": 10,
            "count": 1,
            "percentage": 33.33
        "stats": {
          "average": 9.33,
          "standard_deviation": 0.47,
          "net_promoter_score": {
            "detractors": {
              "count": 0,
              "percentage": 0
            "passives": {
              "count": 0,
              "percentage": 0
            "promoters": {
              "count": 3,
              "percentage": 100
            "score": 100
    Property Type Description
    rating_scale.left.label string Text on the left side of the rating scale.
    rating_scale.left.value integer Numeric value of left pole.
    rating_scale.right.label string Text on the right side of the rating scale.
    rating_scale.right.value integer Numeric value of right pole.
    rating_scale.step_size integer Step size available to participant to select on the rating scale (e.g. rating from 1 to 5, with step size 1, allows to choose 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5).
    rating_scale.values object[] Array of value objects.
    rating_scale.values[].value integer The value that was selected on the rating scale.
    rating_scale.values[].count integer The number of times this value was selected.
    rating_scale.values[].percentage integer|float The number of times this value was selected in relation to the number_of_responses.
    rating_scale.stats[].average integer|float The overall average value across all responses.
    rating_scale.stats[].standard_deviation integer|float The standard deviation across all answers. The lower the standard deviation, the more the participants agreed with their answers. The higher the standard deviation, the more the participants disagreed with their answers.
    rating_scale.stats[].net_promoter_score object Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a very specific question type that requires a rating scale from 0 to 10 with step size 1. If the rating scale matches these requirements, the net_promoter_score will be included in the stats object.
    rating_scale.stats[].net_promoter_score.detractors object Participants that selected a value between 0 and 6.
    rating_scale.stats[].net_promoter_score.detractors.count integer Number of detractors.
    rating_scale.stats[].net_promoter_score.detractors.percentage integer|float Number of detractors in relation to the number_of_responses.
    rating_scale.stats[].net_promoter_score.passives object Participants that selected a value between 7 and 8.
    rating_scale.stats[].net_promoter_score.passives.count integer Number of passives.
    rating_scale.stats[].net_promoter_score.passives.percentage integer|float Number of passives in relation to the number_of_responses.
    rating_scale.stats[].net_promoter_score.promoters object Participants that selected a value between 9 and 10.
    rating_scale.stats[].net_promoter_score.promoters.count integer Number of promoters.
    rating_scale.stats[].net_promoter_score.promoters.percentage integer|float Number of promoters in relation to the number_of_responses.
    rating_scale.stats[].net_promoter_score.score integer|float Calculated net promoter score (promoters.percentage minus detractors.percentage).

    Webhooks API

    Introduction to webhooks

    SurveyHero can send notifications to your application any time an event happens with one of your surveys. This is especially useful for events that are not triggered by a direct API request. For example, the most requested webhook is for "newly submitted survey responses".

    You can register webhook URLs that we will notify any time an event happens. When the event occurs - for example, a new survey response was submitted - SurveyHero will make an HTTP POST request to any endpoints that you have provided us. Each request will contain all the relevant information about what just happened, including the type of event and the data associated with that event.

    Receiving webhook notifications

    Webhook data is sent as JSON (Content-Type: application/json) in the POST request body.

    To acknowledge receipt of a webhook, your endpoint must return a 2xx HTTP status code, with a timeout of 10 seconds. All response codes outside this range will indicate to SurveyHero that you did not receive or where not able to successfully process the webhook notification.

    If your endpoint does not respond with a 2xx HTTP status code within 10 seconds (timeout), SurveyHero will attempt to deliver your webhooks again later. We will attempt to deliver your webhooks for up to three days, with hourly pauses between every retry.

    A great resource for testing is Webhook Tester. This service allows you to create temporary endpoints and to view incoming webhook notifications in real-time.

    Example webhook payload

    Example webhook notification payload

      "message_id": "356042f5-44d7-416f-8c71-b5b254b9baa5",
      "triggered_on": "2018-12-09T16:06:18+00:00",
      "webhook": {
        "webhook_id": 1,
        "event_type": "response.completed",
        "url": "",
        "status": "active",
        "created_on": "2018-12-09T16:02:25+00:00"
      "data": {
        // Data specific to event type, e.g. complete survey response

    Each webhook notification will contain this information. The content of the data property will change based on the event type.

    Property Type Description
    message_id string Unique message identifier. Every webhook notification will have a unique message ID. If a delivery fails and we retry again, the ID will remain the same.
    triggered_on timestamp Timestamp of when the event was triggered.
    webhook object The corresponding webhook that is responsible for this request.
    data object The data corresponding to the event type. In case of event type response.completed for example, this will be the complete survey response.

    Webhooks Endpoints

    Here is an overview of the available actions to manage your webhooks:

    HTTP request Description
    GET{survey_id}/webhooks List all webhooks of survey.
    POST{survey_id}/webhooks Create a new webhook for survey.
    GET{survey_id}/webhooks/{webhook_id} Get details of specific webhook.
    POST{survey_id}/webhooks/{webhook_id} Update specific webhook.
    DELETE{survey_id}/webhooks/{webhook_id} Delete specific webhook.

    List existing webhooks

    Example request

    curl "" \
         -u "username:password"

    Example response

      "webhooks": [
          "webhook_id": 1000,
          "event_type": "response.completed",
          "url": "",
          "status": "active",
          "created_on": "2018-12-09T16:02:25+00:00"
          "webhook_id": 1001,
          "event_type": "response.completed",
          "url": "",
          "status": "paused",
          "created_on": "2018-12-09T16:41:37+00:00"

    You can view all defined webhooks of a specific survey. You can then use the webhook_id to make an update to or delete a webhook.

    HTTP request


    Response properties

    Property Type Description
    webhook object[] Array with one object per available webhook.

    Create a new webhook

    Example request

    curl -X POST "" \
         -u "username:password" \
         -F "event_type=response.completed" \
         -F "url="

    Example response

      "webhook_id": 1001,
      "event_type": "response.completed",
      "url": "",
      "status": "active",
      "created_on": "2018-12-09T16:41:37+00:00"

    You can simply create a new webhook for a survey by navigating to the specific survey's resource and making an HTTP POST request with the required parameters.

    HTTP request


    Request parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    event_type string, required The type of event you want to be notified about (e.g. response.completed). Every event type will return its own set of data.
    url string, required The URL where you want us to send the notifications. This should be an active endpoint, pointing to your application or server. You may want to use Webhook Tester for testing.
    status string Whether the webhook should be active (default) or paused.

    Response properties

    The request will either return the newly created webhook details on success, or an error message if creation failed ( e.g. because of missing or invalid url parameter).

    Retrieve a single webhook

    Example request

    curl "" \
         -u "username:password"

    Example response

      "webhook_id": 1001,
      "event_type": "response.completed",
      "url": "",
      "status": "active",
      "created_on": "2018-12-09T16:41:37+00:00"

    Retrieve the details of a specific webhook.

    HTTP request


    Response properties

    Property Type Description
    webhook_id integer Unique identifier for the webhook.
    event_type string What event the webhook is notifying about. Here is an overview: All event types
    url string The endpoint where we will send notifications to.
    status string Whether the webhook is active (default) or paused.
    created_on timestamp Timestamp of when the webhook was created.

    Update an existing webhook

    Example request

    curl -X POST "" \
         -u "username:password" \
         -F "status=paused"

    Example response

      "webhook_id": 1001,
      "event_type": "response.completed",
      "url": "",
      "status": "paused",
      "created_on": "2018-12-09T16:41:37+00:00"

    You can always update an existing webhook. You can either change the url or change the webhook status.

    HTTP request


    Request parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    url string The URL where you want us to send the notifications. This should be an active endpoint, pointing to your application or server.
    status string Whether the webhook should be active (default) or paused.

    Response properties

    The request will either return the updated webhook details on success, or an error message if the update failed (e.g. because of invalid url parameter).

    Delete a webhook

    Example request

    curl -X DELETE "" \
         -u "username:password"

    Example response

      "webhook_id": 1001,
      "event_type": "response.completed",
      "url": "",
      "status": "deleted",
      "created_on": "2018-12-09T16:41:37+00:00"

    You can simply delete webhooks when you do not need them anymore. Alternatively, you can also change its status to paused.

    HTTP request


    Response properties

    The request will either return the webhook that was deleted, or an error message if deletion failed (e.g. because webhook was already deleted before).

    Webhooks Event Types

    Currently, following event types are available:, response.completed, survey.created and survey.deleted

    Both survey.created and survey.deleted are only available as Global Webhooks.

    Would you like to get notified about other survey related events? If yes, then please contact us and let us know your use case. event type

    Example webhook payload

      "message_id": "241c974f-1496-47a0-8968-78e608602f4a",
      "triggered_on": "2021-12-31T14:07:02+00:00",
      "webhook": {
        "webhook_id": 1671,
        "event_type": "",
        "url": "",
        "status": "active",
        "created_on": "2021-12-31T14:05:17+00:00"
      "data": {
        "email_address": "",
        "feedback_type": "hard_bounce"

    This event type will notify you about any email related feedback that we receive when sending email invitations on your behalf (using our "Email Invite" collector).

    When we send emails on your behalf, we keep track of any bounces, complaints or unsubscribes we receive. This webhook allows you to receive that information as well.

    Property Type Description
    email_address string The email address that the notification is about.
    feedback_type string The feedback type can be one of the following: soft_bounce, hard_bounce, complaint or unsubscribed

    response.completed event type

    Example response.completed webhook payload

      "message_id": "43b076f4-1f8d-4b39-a866-1329dfcd5e06",
      "triggered_on": "2021-12-31T14:09:46+00:00",
      "webhook": {
        "webhook_id": 1672,
        "event_type": "response.completed",
        "url": "",
        "status": "active",
        "created_on": "2021-12-31T14:05:25+00:00"
      "data": {
        "response_id": 45638152,
        "collector_id": 721593,
        "survey_id": 716241,
        "started_on": "2021-12-31T14:09:30+00:00",
        "last_updated_on": "2021-12-31T14:09:46+00:00",
        "email_address": "",
        "recipient_data": {
          "name": "John Doe",
          "company": "Example Inc."
        "link_parameters": null,
        "language": null,
        "ip_address": "",
        "meta_data": {
          "device": "desktop",
          "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.110 Safari/537.36 Edg/96.0.1054.62"
        "status": "completed",
        "previous_response_id": null,
        "next_response_id": null,
        "answers": [
            "element_id": 4800046,
            "question_text": "Were we able to answer your questions to your satisfaction?",
            "type": "choices",
            "choices": [
                "choice_id": 11994336,
                "label": "Yes"
            "element_id": 4800047,
            "question_text": "Do you have any further comments?",
            "type": "text",
            "text": "No, thank you."

    With this event type, we will notify you about any completed survey responses you receive.

    The data of the webhook payload will contain a full response including answers.

    Global Webhooks

    Example request

    curl -X POST "" \
         -u "username:password" \
         -F "event_type=response.completed" \
         -F "url="

    Example response

      "webhook_id": 1001,
      "event_type": "response.completed",
      "url": "",
      "status": "active",
      "created_on": "2018-12-09T16:41:37+00:00"

    Webhooks can also be set on an "account level", meaning that all your surveys will be triggering the same set of webhooks automatically. That way, you do not need to set up the same webhooks for each survey individually. Instead, with global webhooks, every existing survey as well as future surveys created by you will be triggering these webhooks.

    To create webhooks on an account level simply use endpoint instead of a survey specific endpoint. You can use the same actions as described here.

    Additional event types

    Example webhook notification payload

      "message_id": "14a468b8-50bc-4ea6-a135-a747d60db9b3",
      "triggered_on": "2022-05-23T13:21:34+00:00",
      "webhook": {
        "webhook_id": 1806,
        "event_type": "survey.created",
        "url": "",
        "status": "active",
        "created_on": "2022-05-23T13:21:05+00:00"
      "data": {
        "survey_id": 1341325

    In addition to the event types listed above, there are other even types that are only available on a global level (not survey specific): survey.created and survey.deleted


    Example error response

      "error": {
        "code": 40140,
        "message": "Authentication failed: API key is deactivated"

    When consuming our API you may face errors. We try to make them as descriptive as possible, so you can resolve them as easily as possible. In general, codes in the 2xx range indicate success, codes in the 4xx range are errors caused in your request while codes in the 5xx range are errors on our end. Here is an overview of different errors and their meaning.

    HTTP Status Error Code Meaning
    400 40000 Bad Request
    400 40010 Missing required parameter, unable to complete request
    400 40020 Invalid parameter value, unable to complete request
    400 40030 Duplicate value: Request could not be completed because value already exists
    401 40100 Unauthorized
    401 40110 Authentication failed: Missing or incomplete authorization header
    401 40120 Authentication failed: Invalid format of credentials in authorization header
    401 40130 Authentication failed: Unknown credentials in authorization header
    401 40140 Authentication failed: API key is deactivated
    402 40200 Upgrade required
    403 40300 Forbidden
    403 40310 Forbidden: You are not allowed access to this survey
    403 40320 Forbidden: You are not allowed access to this webhook
    404 40400 Resource Not Found
    404 40450 Resource Not Found: Response ID does not belong to survey ID
    405 40500 Method Not Allowed
    429 42910 Too Many Requests: Please do not make more than 2 requests per second
    500 50000 Internal Server Error
    503 50300 Service Unavailable

    Feedback and Support

    Thank you for your interest in our API.

    We will be continuously adding new and exciting capabilities to it. Feedback is very welcome and if you need to be able to do something programmatically that is not possible yet, please let us know!